Mohsen Najafi Scientific Achivement
Academic Recommendation Letters
Sarang Ghorbanian…………………………………………………………………………… Omid Mohabati Moghadam PHD information system security……………………………………………………. …..MSc of Architecture of computer system Iran University of Science and Technology(IUST)……………………………. …Iran university of Science and Technology(IUST)

Patent Reg. Certificate
Book number of the declaration registration: 38604744 Book number of patent registration: 42035
Date of submission and protection: July,16,2007 Date of patent Registration: August,18,2007
As per patent reg. act this is to certify that the patent regarding CITY GAS DETECTOR DEVICE (CH4)- SO THAT IS START ALARM WHEN LEAKING THE GAS which has been registered in the name of MR. MOHSEN NAJAFI with Iranian nationality domiciled for a period of 20 years.
Registered in Iranian patent office